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Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics

Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics

Other published articles and presentations

of a
FIELD RESEARCH REPORT Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder


Perceptions of the actors and use of psychostimulants
in the elementary schools of the city of LAVAL

Issued in April 1999 by David Cohen, Ph.D. Research group on the social aspects
of health and prevention
and École de service social,
Montreal University
Irma Clapperton, M.D., M.Sc., CSPQ Direction de la Santé publique
Régie régionale de la santé
et des services sociaux de Laval
Pauline Gref, M.D., FRCPC Pédiatrie Val-Les-Arbres, Laval
Yves Tremblay, M.D., CSPQ, FRCPC Clinique de développement Petite Enfance,
Cité de la Santé de Laval

Another site where complementary information can be had regarding the issues being raised
by the prescription of Ritalin and other psychostimulant drugs
without medical cause
Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology

The English version of this Critical analysis was formally published on December 15 of 2016,
in the International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation.

Michaud, A. (2016) Critical Analysis of a Field Research Report on ADD and ADHD.
Int J Swarm Intel Evol Comput 5: 142. doi: 10.4172/2090-4908.1000142.

Revised and amplified to correlate the Cohen et al. field study
with a sociological study carried out the same year (1999)
Our Bankrupt Elite
regarding the state of mother tongue teaching in the Province of Québec,
this article was republished upon invitation as a Chapter in a book titled
Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 2,
which is part of a specialized collection
that preselects articles deemed worthy of attention in the global offer,
to be put at more immediate disposal of the community.

Michaud, A. (2021) Field Research Report on ADD and ADHD: A Critical Analysis.
In: Dr. Fahmida Khan, Editor. Chapter 8.
Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 2,

Other articles in the same project

INDEX - General Neurolinguistics

Copy of the original research report can be obtained
from Le Centre de documentation of the
Régie Régionale de la Santée et Services Sociaux (RRSSS) de Laval
by phone at (450) 978-2000
Or on the Internet at the following location:

Déficit d'attention/hyperactivité: Perception des acteurs et utilisation de psychostimulants.



·The Neurolinguistic Foundations of Intelligence, André Michaud, SRP Books, 2001
·LE CERVEAU ET LA CONSCIENCE, Paul Chauchard, Éditions du Seuil, 1960.
·I.P. PAWLOW, GESAMMELTE WERKE, Lothar Pickenhein, Ergon Verlag, 1998.
·Our Bankrupt Elite, André Michaud, SRP Books, 1999
·J'APPRENDS À LIRE À MON BÉBÉ, Glenn Doman, Éditions Retz, 1997.
·L'APPRENTISSAGE PRÉCOCE DE LA LECTURE, Rachel Cohen, PUF, cinquième édition, 1992,
·Je veux apprendre à lire. Enseigne-moi, Jeanine Cougnenc, Les Éditions SRP, 2000

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