Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics

To identify a specific part, examine the Detailed Drawing
of the Air Table. The names of the various parts are mentioned.
They are also presented in alphabetical order in the section following
the detailed drawing.
When you have identified the part on the drawing, click on the
drawing. This will send you to the Parts Index.
Locate the part in the alphabetical list and click on it. A hyperlink
will send you to the part of the catalog describing the part.

Exhibited since 1975 in various Physics Shows, the SRP Air Table
is now widely used in Canada and the USA.
The air is supplied to the pucks from the top. The pucks float
freely over the table. Both pucks, which are electrically connected
to the Sparktimer, plot their path on the paper (clear dots at
regular, known intervals). The result is a LIFE SIZE GRAPH (45
cm x 58 cm) ready for immediate study of FRICTIONLESS MOTION.
- No strobelight or camera required
- Produces a giant life size graph
- A variety of standard accessories allow a surprising array
of experiments on relative motion
- Qualitative and quantitative experiments.
- All manners of collisions: direct hits, perfectly elastic,
semi-elastic or even perfectly non-elastic collisions.
- Study of quantity of movement and energy
- Study of acceleration of movement, linear or parabolic (missiles).
- Mesurement of "g"
- Kinetic and potential energy
- Gravitational ellipsis. Demonstration of the epicyclic trajectories
of earth and moon around the sun
- Center of mass
- Simple harmonic motion
- Damped oscillations in a viscous medium
- Pulsed oscillations (study of sine waves)
- Etc... The only limit to the uses of this instrument is the
imagination of the teacher.
- While many areas of study drift toward heavy use of the computer
screen, this instrument allows easy and very visually descriptive
hands on experiments
- Surface area: 58 X 58 cm
- Leveling: Three adjusteble legs
- Steel Puck size: 550g each (plus one 160g auxiliary mass)
- Air Supply: Compressor with integrated motor
- Pressure: 5psi to 10psi max.
- Sparking rates: 100 frequencies, from 1 cps to 100 cps
- Weight: 11.6Kg (25lbs) net.
- Easy to set up (a few minutes) and easy to use
- Clear trajectories with PRECISION timing
- Robust construction, no maintenance required
- Minimal operation const, less than $0.05 per experiment
- Heavy steel pucks moving frictionlessly on air cushions diminish
the already very small error factor

T01-011B Air Compressor
T01-013B Air Head Assembly
S01-011 Ajustable Legs
B04-053 Aluminum Air Head Support
S01-171 Aluminium Puck
Carbon Paper Sheets
Circular Magnets
Compressor Tube
Conducting Chain
Manual Puck Launcher
Framed Table
Latex Tube
Lucite Plug
Lucite Puck
Magnetic Pucks
Newsprint Paper Sheets
Orbital Post
Paper Guide
Removable Posts
Rockland Paper Sheets
Rubber Bands
SparkTimer Footswitch
Steel Pucks
Supplementary Mass
Velcro Collars
Last Update: March 30, 2012