Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics
SRP Air Table
- Since 1975, SRP has been manufacturing and distributing the
SRP Air Table designed to help teach physics, and all
of it's accessories.
- The SRP Air TAble is listed in the catalogues of all major distributors of
school equipment in North America, and is also ordered and shipped to many oversea countries.
- Designing and offering superior quality products to schools is a company policy.
- From 1975 to 2010, SRP manufactured hundreds of units of a high quality
console for quiz activities in the classroom, the PORTAQUIZ console.
- From 1992 to 2009, SRP provided the consoles required for the "Jeunes Démocrates"
tournament (Young Democrats Tournament) held each year at the beginning of April in
the Educative Mission Program of the Quebec National Assembly. This contribution
was publicly mentionned at the 10th anniversary of the tournament.
- Since 2010 however, SRP does not manufacture this console anymore but remains
available for servicing all units still in service.
General Neurolinguistics
- Since 1996, under the names of "SRP Books" and
"Les Éditions SRP", SRP has endeavoured to republicize
to parents the past research that confirms the critical importance, for the optimal
intellectual development of children, of developing early
all verbal abilities, and this, before the age of 7, age at which comes to an end
the bulk of the physical construction of the synaptic network in the verbal areas
of the brain.
All articles analyzing every aspect of the "General Neurolinguistics Project" have now been
formally published and are now available in French, English, Spanish and German via
Index General Neurolinguistics
- Few people in the teaching community are aware that the SRP Air
Table for physics teaching was invented by a quebec teacher. Mr.
Eugène Michaud, who after 20 years of general services
in guiding youth completed his studies in technical engineering
at the RADIO COLLEGE of Toronto.
He then went to teach electricity
for 2 years at Don Bosco school. Afterwards, he was sent to open
the telecomunication department of the Port Alfred school. He
then spent 3 years at the Collège de Ste-Foy where he presently
developped the Air Cushion Table.
Followed 2 years of teaching
industrial drawing and machining at Don Bosco school and a final
10 years of teaching electro-technique at the Ecole Les Etchemins.
- The SRP Air Table is now widely used in all of North America.
- Your school may also own a quiz console. Again, always working
to further enhance teaching methods, he was the first 20 years
ago to build and promote portable quiz consoles for use directly
in the classes so this very motivating activity could be practiced
directly by the students just as they saw it done on television.
- Many of his former students certainly remember that their interest
for science and research has been awakened by this man.
- Now 82 years old (1996), he is still at work in Canada and also
in one of the poorest contries of the world: Haïti. He is
still active creating new products and processes such as water
filtration systems for remote locations, short wave communication
systems to link villages where not even telephone is available,
fluorescent lighting operating on standard 12 Vdc battery and
much more.
- I am proud to mention here the accomplishments of this man whose
contribution to education has never been publicly recognized.
- Many thanks to Eugène Michaud FEC.