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Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics

Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics

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Educational books collection - (Neurolinguistics and Fundamental Physics)

Our Bankrupt Elite
Scholars' Press

General Neurolinguistcs
(Mechanics of Conceptual thinking)

264 pages

Genenral Neurolinguistics

General Neurolinguistics is the field of research that naturally emerges from General Semantics as defined by Alfred Korzybski when the mental barrier due to the unjustified certainty that physical reality cannot be confirmed with certainty and cannot be understood objectively is removed, as Korzybski hypothesized.

In relation with the discoveries made by Donald Hebb, Ivan Pavlov and Paul Chauchard, this discipline aims at explaining how the conceptual thinking mode that naturally emerges from the mastery of an articulated language allows describing and understanding the external world observed via our sensory perceptions and then allows measuring it via the mathematical thinking mode that emerges from the generalizations allowed by this same conceptual thinking mode.

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Our Bankrupt Elite

Allgemeine Neurolinguistik
(Mechanik des konzeptuellen Denkens)

264 pages

Allgemeine Neurolinguistik

Die Allgemeine Neurolinguistik ist das Forschungsgebiet, das auf natürliche Weise aus der von Alfred Korzybski definierten Allgemeinen Semantik hervorgeht, wenn die geistige Barriere aufgrund der ungerechtfertigten Gewissheit, dass die physische Realität nicht mit Sicherheit bestätigt und nicht objektiv verstanden werden kann, aufgehoben wird, wie Korzybski es voraussetzte.

In Verbindung mit den Entdeckungen hergestellt von Donald Hebb, Iwan Pawlow und Paul Chauchard, hat sich diese Disziplin zum Ziel gesetzt, zu erklären wie das konzeptuelle Denkmodus, das auf natürliche Weise aus der Beherrschung einer artikulierten Sprache hervorgeht, es ermöglicht, die über unsere Sinneswahrnehmungen beobachtete Außenwelt zu beschreiben und zu verstehen, und es dann ermöglicht, sie über das mathematische Denkmodus zu messen, das aus den durch denselben konzeptuellen Denkmodus ermöglichten Verallgemeinerungen hervorgeht.

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Our Bankrupt Elite
Fundamental Physics
Introduction to Electromagnetism According to Maxwell:
(Electromagnetic Mechanics)

264 pages

With the author

Introduction to Electromagnetism According to Maxwell
(Electromagnetic Mechanics)

Introduction to Maxwell's initial electromagnetics theory with deeper analysis leading to the establishment at the subatomic level of clear mechanics of electromagnetic photons emission and absorption and of electron stabilization in atoms.

The resulting discovery of the adiabatic nature of the energy induced in all elementary charged particles, related to Maxwell's first equation, tends to confirm the conclusion that Einstein reached towards the end of his life that gravitation seems to follow the pattern of electromagnetism.

Our Bankrupt Elite
Grundlegende Physik
Einführung in den Elektromagnetismus nach Maxwell:
(Elektromagnetische Mechanik)

290 Seiten

mit dem Autor

Einführung in den Elektromagnetismus nach Maxwell
(Elektromagnetische Mechanik)

Einführung in die ursprüngliche elektromagnetische Theorie von Maxwell mit tieferen Analysen, die auf subatomarer Ebene zur Etablierung einer klaren Mechanik der Emission und Absorption elektromagnetischer Photonen und der Elektronenstabilisierung in Atomen führte.

Die daraus resultierende Entdeckung der adiabatischen Natur der in allen elementaren geladenen Teilchen induzierten Energie, bezogen auf Maxwells erste Gleichung, bestätigt tendenziell die Schlussfolgerung, zu der Einstein gegen Ende seines Lebens gelangte, dass Gravitation dem Muster des Elektromagnetismus zu folgen scheint.

Our Bankrupt Elite
Fundamental Physics
Electromagnetic Mechanics of Elementary Particles

584 pages

Electromagnetic Mechanics of Elementary Particles

Description of a spacetime geometry that allows representing the mutual induction of electric energy and magnetic energy within elementary particles in motion in conformity with Maxwell's equations.

This book explores the foundations of an electromagnetic mechanics of elementary particles whose laws apply by structure to the sub-microscopic level, the macroscopic level and the astronomical level, thus allowing the reconciliation of electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics, Relativistic Mechanics and gravitation.

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Our Bankrupt Elite
Física fundamental
Mecánica electromagnética de las partículas elementales

592 pages

Mecánica electromagnética de las partículas elementales

Descripción de una geometría del espacio tiempo que permite representar la inducción mutua de la energía eléctrica y de la energía magnética dentro de las partículas elementales en movimiento con arreglo a las ecuaciones de Maxwell.

Esta obra explora los fundamentos de una mecánica electromagnética de las partículas elementales cuyas leyes se aplican por estructura a los niveles submicroscópico, macroscópico y astronómico, permitiendo así reconciliar el electromagnetismo, la mecánica cuántica, la mecánica relativista y la gravitación.

Our Bankrupt Elite

Our Bankrupt Elite

300 pages

Our Bankrupt Elite

State of the elite of a society
after 50 years of emphasis on early specialization
at the cost of a depressing neglect
of an adequate general knowledge base teaching
severely hampering the elite's ability to resolve social issues

After 40 years of neglect to address the critical need for children to be taught to read and write properly before the end of the first year of primary school resulted in 50% of Quebec active population being categorized as functionally illiterate in 2003 by the OECD despite systematic scholarization up to junior high school, with worse figures yet now taking shape for 2012.


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Expanded Maxwellian Geometry of Space
Fundamental Physics

Expanded Maxwellian
Geometry of Space

320 pages

Expanded Maxwellian Geometry of Space

(Electromagnetic Mecanics of Elementary Particles)

A causality based model meant to integrate all issues unresoved
by Special Relativity and General Relativity
by integrating a relativistic effect in nucleons
not taken into account by either theories,
and that reconciles Quantum Mechanics with causality.

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A Future as an Heirloom

A Future
as an Heirloom

279 pages

A Future as an Heirloom

(Awakening of Intelligence in Young Children)

(Guide for Parents)

Parents can play a key role in the intellectual development of their children.

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Theory of Discrete Attractors
Fundamental Physics

Theory of Discrete Attractors

228 pages

Theory of Discrete Attractors

(Introduction to causalist physics)

Description of the various verified characteristics
of stable elementary particles.

Discussion of Quantum Mechanics,
Maxwell's theory
and of the gravitation theories of Newton and Einstein
from a causality viewpoint.

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The Neurolinguistic Foundations of Intelligence

The Neurolinguistic Foundation

153 pages

The Neurolinguistic Foundation of Intelligence

(On the need for early childhood mastery
of reading skills)

Synthesis of past research
confirming the benefits
of early tutoring of all verbal skills.

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Einstein's Operating System

Einstein's Operating System

175 pages

Einstein's Operating System

Can you become as intelligent as Einstein?

In all races, there is a quickest runner and a slowest runner,
but all runners can reach the finish line.
Description of the neural network based human thinking process and of
how it can be used optimally by anyone.
A beginner's guide to coherent thinking.

A book that all students should read

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Last update: November 19, 2021

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